Contact artist directly at: 727-871-6671 /

I bought my first professional camera in Chicago for my 20th birthday. It was here that I really began my getting serious about professional photography. I worked 80+ hours/week, 7/7 at the time and I got to take a rare day off for my birthday that year. 

I remember curling up in bed almost all day on a cold November Chicago day, and reading and reading and reading about photography. I finished the first book "Photography for Dummies" (great first book to start with btw!) and began the second, and never really looked back.

The people of Chicago were fiercely proud of their city and the Chicago skyline became one of my first targets to shoot once I knew what I was doing. 

I came back 3 years later and shot the skyline. Chicago is one of my favorite cities in the world, I have so many great memories from the months I lived in and around the city.