News — Stories Behind the Photo
Midnight in Manhattan
It was a cold October night and a friend of mine and I drove down to the City after finishing work. I was still relatively new to New York, having moved here a few months back for a job. I was still in awe of this monumental city, I had been told about it all before, seen it in movies, seen photos of it all my life, but seeing it for myself was totally different.
My friend Zac, and I were exhausted from a 12 hour day of work. Yet as we stepped onto the Brooklyn...
Chicago Skyline on the Water
When I was 14, I opted to study "art" as a chosen subject in school. I was fascinated with the branch called "mathematical art". The Greeks, Romans and the Italian Renaissance painters, just to mention a few, employed vast amounts of mathematics in the creation of their art. From Golden Ratios to Fibonacci Spirals (the shape of a sea shell whose exact shape 'mysteriously' manifests itself in millions of natural phenomenon like DNA spirals, orbits of the stars, flower petals, weather systems, finger prints, harmonies in music, etc etc etc.
The masters of antiquity were...