Contact artist directly at: 727-871-6671 /


Nashville Skyline Over the River

Nashville Skyline Over the River


This was a glorious summer. I had just recently bought my first car, and so had complete freedom of the road for the first time! It was a small 15-year old car that I had bought on the cheap, with crazy-high mileage, but it represented a longly-yearned-for freedom to me.

I worked 85 hours a week at the time, month after month with barely a day off ever 2 months or so. Free time to go out and photograph was therefore in very short supply. This summer I was working about 45 minutes...

Chicago Skyline on the Water

Chicago Skyline on the Water

When I was 14, I opted to study "art" as a chosen subject in school. I was fascinated with the branch called "mathematical art". The Greeks, Romans and the Italian Renaissance painters, just to mention a few, employed vast amounts of mathematics in the creation of their art. From Golden Ratios to Fibonacci Spirals (the shape of a sea shell whose exact shape 'mysteriously' manifests itself in millions of natural phenomenon like DNA spirals, orbits of the stars, flower petals, weather systems, finger prints, harmonies in music, etc etc etc. 

The masters of antiquity were...